Thursday, September 20, 2007

How can I get Mailbox Guid from Exchange2007?

Just using this powershell and figure it out.

Get-MailboxStatistics WHERE {$_.lastlogontime -eq $null } fl -property displayname, mailboxguid, database

Get Exchange Mailbox Statistics

Get-MailboxStatistics where {$_.disconnectdate -eq $null} format-table -Property displayname, lastloggedonuseraccount, legacydn -AutoSize -Wrap Out-File D:\mbxstatistics.txt -Width 2147483647

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Oh! I made my blogger!

It's good for me because I made my blogger.

I plan to post lots of MS Solution tip, technical information on MS Products.

Especially, Exchange2007, MOSS, OCS etc.

Have a good time in my blogger~ See u.